“Who I am is Envy, a multidisciplinary clown drag artist, a dancer, a writer and an activist. Being a fat Trans Black man in Quebec, isn’t always easy. I have to deal with fatphobia, racism and queer phobia on a daily basis. It really takes strength and courage to go through this everyday but I take comfort in knowing that black transness has existed for far longer than we have had language for it. Being black and trans means that I have two large backgrounds of history to pull from. My identity is a living proof of the resilience of my ancestors. I am grateful for the ground that has been laid by them, and I’m proud to embody their hopes and dreams for the future. Arriving at this way of thinking wasn’t easy, the most difficult part of my journal was coming out to my conservative parents. I was beyond scared of their reaction, and I really shouldn’t have been, because despite their initial incomprehension, they never stopped loving me. In fact if I could , I would tell my younger self that there’s no point in being scared or trying to please everyone. You are, and always will be worthy of love and respect, and that is my greatest joy , being black and queer . Processing racism alongside the pandemic has been exhausting. In light of the recent events, finding these moments of happiness helps me persevere. Seeing my queer, and black siblings happy, forever warms my heart. Our joy is an act of resistance, and I will always celebrate the happiness, playfulness, and freedom of my people.”